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Group Leader Console – My Students

The group leader console is the main interface for teachers, parents, home school leaders, or any person managing a group of students. When a group leader logs in to Math and Algebra .com, they are directed to the “My Students” area of the console. This area is not accessible to students.

  1. Clicking on the help icon will redirect you to the online documentation for that area.
  2. Main menu navigation for the Group Leader Console.

Th My Students area is where group leader manage their students. This area is not accessible to students. Each enrolled student is listed in the main display area. Here is a list of the top area, below the main navigation menu.

  1. Group name, the name of the group, this could be the family name, class, school, etc.
  2. Sub-menu, contains navigation within the area selected on the main navigation menu.
  3. Number of registration spots remaining to be filled with students.
  4. Click on the gear wheel to change the name of your group.


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