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This is a Final Course Quiz. The quiz will contain a random selection of 50 problems from all of the Course Chapters covered. If you have watched the video tutorials and completed the practice exercises for all the lessons in each chapter, you should be well prepared for this quiz. If you feel you need more time to study, you can go back to any lesson and review the video and exercises. Make sure that you are always prepared with plenty of scratch paper and pencils before you begin the quiz.
The questions are selected at random from a pool of problems so the quiz will be different each time you take it.
Most answers will be in the form of multiple choice or fill in the blank, but there may be other types as well. Fill in the blank answers need to be in the correct format or the problem will be marked as incorrect.
You will have 2 hours to complete this quiz, and must score a 70% to pass. If there are 50 questions in this quiz, how many correct answers will you need to pass?
Good Luck!
Algebra Course 4
Basic Math is the foundation for all the other courses. It provides a solid foundation for all the necessary skills development. The student is introduced to a variety of terms, procedures and methodology that will prepare them for the more advanced courses.
This is a must for all 4th and 5th graders. It will form the foundation for success in all future math classes: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Integers, Geometry, Charts and Graphs, Problem Solving, Ratios and Proportions, Probability and Statistics, Number Theory, Algebra, Graphing on Number Lines and Coordinate Systems.
Course 3
Students are now ready for Algebra after the preparation and skill sets learned in the previous three courses. This is the longest of the four course curriculum and covers all algebraic functions and methods.
This course is a complete algebra program that explains each topic in a way that is easy to understand. Short, concise, self-contained lessons. Lots of examples with fully explained step-by-step solutions. Review is built into each lesson to ensure mastery. Lesson quizzes and a final quiz allow students to measure success.
Course 2
Advanced Math
Advanced Math provides a much deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. It builds upon what was learned in Basic Math and starts laying the groundwork for Algebra.
This course has many of the topics from Basic Math but goes into much more depth. Students will be equipped with the math tools to meet all of the challenges of Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Integers, Geometry, Charts and Graphs, Problem Solving, and much more, while preparing for Pre-Algebra and Algebra.
Course 1
Basic Math
Basic Math is the foundation for all the other courses. It provides a solid foundation for all the necessary skills development. The student is introduced to a variety of terms, procedures and methodology that will prepare them for the more advanced courses.
This is a must for all 4th and 5th graders. It will form the foundation for success in all future math classes: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Integers, Geometry, Charts and Graphs, Problem Solving, Ratios and Proportions, Probability and Statistics, Number Theory, Algebra, Graphing on Number Lines and Coordinate Systems.
This is a Chapter Quiz. The quiz will contain a random selection of problems from all of the lessons covered. If you have watched the video tutorials and completed the practice exercises for all the lessons, you should be well prepared for this quiz. If you feel you need more time to study, you can go back to any lesson and review the video and exercises. Make sure that you are always prepared with plenty of scratch paper and pencils before you begin the quiz.
You can return and take this quiz as many times as you like. The questions are selected at random from a pool of problems so the quiz will be different each time. It is recommended that you take the quiz several times until you can answer each questions correctly.
Most answers will be in the form of multiple choice or fill in the blank, but there may be other types as well. Fill in the blank answers need to be in the correct format or the problem will be marked as incorrect.
Good Luck!